Israel is plotting to change the status quo under the guise of krona, MP says

Both Masjid Ibrahimi and Masjid Al-Aqsa should try to get more worshipers, says Fathi Al-Qarawi
(Latest newspaper from newstime-June 7- 2020) Fathi al-Qaraawi, a member of the Palestinian parliament, has said that Israel is conspiring to change the historical facts about Al-Aqsa Mosque and Al-Quds and to change the status quo under the guise of the Karuna epidemic. Opening Al-Aqsa Mosque for prayers and worship is the sole religious right of Muslims and no other nation has any monopoly on it.
Al-Qaraawi said that no other country or power has the right to close Al-Aqsa Mosque and all claims and fabrications regarding the closure of Al-Aqsa Mosque are only to deprive Muslims of the right to worship in the first qiblah. He said that Al-Aqsa Mosque cannot be compared to Ibrahimi Mosque. Al-Aqsa Mosque is only a religious place for Muslims, but attempts are being made to snatch it from the Muslims and distribute it. Normalize. Both Masjid Ibrahimi and Masjid Al-Aqsa should try to attract as many worshipers as possible.

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